New Year’s Resolution- More Olive Oils

With the new year well underway, you may have already organised a list of new year’s resolutions and challenges to overcome in 2022, and many of you will have “Eating Healthy” included in the list.

Of course, some of us are bound to get caught into the “I’ll start tomorrow” trap, but here are some tips we hope will help you live a little healthier this year.

olive oil for new year

1. Eat healthily, eat more fruits and vegetables, avoid unhealthy snacks, eat only unprocessed and nutritional food, eat only home-cooked food, avoid takeaways, etc. There are so many definitions of “eating healthy” that it can be challenging to know which rule to stick to and how.

Our first tip is to understand and define what “eating healthy” really means to you. This would mean eating more vegetables for some, and for others, it would mean eating less often during the day. Defining what this means will help you recognise what it is you really want to accomplish.

2. Do not avoid/ stop eating good food. Many of us make mistakes by completely avoiding particular food- usually chocolates, fats, pasta, bread, etc. It is completely okay to eat these but do so in moderation. Restricting them entirely is not a good way to reach the goal.

3. Find a better alternative to replace something you just cannot do without. Can you replace a slice of cake with a healthier banana slice or a granola bar? Or can you add more vegetables to that pasta dish you cannot stop thinking about?

Replacing with a healthier alternative will help you satisfy your cravings and avoid binge eating unhealthy food in the future.

4. Stop avoiding good fats. Many people avoid fats and stop including oils in their food altogether. It’s important to know that good oils carry a lot of nutrients that can be highly beneficial to your body and mental health, especially if you are trying to exercise more often and keep active.

We suggest replacing unhealthy oils with good oils such as Extra Virgin Organic Olive Oils. Olive oils are known to improve heart health, reduce inflammation, improve mood, help improve brain functions and even protect against chronic diseases such as diabetes and some types of cancer.

Some research has even shown that olive oils help assist weight loss if used in place of butter, vegetable oils, coconut oils, etc. Remember that only good quality oils carry all the essential nutrients and benefits- so check the labels and research different brands before purchasing.

At Avlaki, we produce our olive oils using methods to preserve their quality, flavour, and smell. We are proud to say we offer premium olive oils that have won great taste awards and are certified organic, verified “extra virgin,” registered vegan, and allergen-free. Browse our complete Olive Oils range here!

5. Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to buy more expensive food. Many of us think buying expensive food specially created for weight loss is the way to go, but this is a big no. Instead, we encourage you to buy fresh vegetables and produce from your local supermarkets and cook something you like at home!

These will be unprocessed, home-cooked, healthy, and you will be well satisfied for cooking up something wholesome and delicious. If you are looking for some recipe ideas, why not read our previous article that lists three delicious and easy-to-make olive oil-based recipes!

We hope some of our tips above will help you with your new year’s “eat healthy” resolution in 2022.

Remember, Olive Oils carry a lot of health benefits, so we highly encourage you to incorporate them into your daily life and diet. And if you are looking for a good brand that supplies high-quality olive oils, why not browse our online shop here!

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